
(2023年8月14日 春木良)


 労働者階級は今や、全ての大陸をその奥地まで包み込み、一切の国境を越えている。賃金労働者は、世界の活動人口の大多数を占めている。「人民」(people)という言葉は、革命的マルクス主義者の語彙の中で、日に日に意味を失いつつある。反動ブルジョアジーの時代、帝国主義の段階にあっては、「労働者は祖国をもたない」!同志諸君、古い「民族問題」(national issue)などはシュレッダーにかけてしまおう。民族問題は今や、われわれが帝国主義者と闘うためにそれを利用するよりも、帝国主義者がわれわれを分裂させるためにそれを利用する方がずっと役立っているのだ。今世紀が提起する問題に対し、一緒に答えを出そうではないか。まさか、これから西暦三千年にわたってまで国際主義者は民族の「権利」を守らなければならない、などと書いてある箇所がどこかにあるのか?それは無意味である。毎年4000万の、事によっては5000万の農民が農村を離れて都市プロレタリアとなり、そのうち4〜500万人が国境を越え、政治的・経済的難民、他国への移民、低賃金労働者となっている。アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、日本、そして最近では中国の帝国主義ブルジョアジーは、資本主義の大規模な発展によって労働市場へと投入されたこれらの新しいエネルギーを獲得すべく、次のような二つのやり方で互いに競っている。すなわち、(1)安価な移民労働者を大都市へと輸入することによって、そして(2)発展途上国新興国に資本を輸出することによって。これらの何度も試行されたシステムはいずれも、資本主義的搾取の基盤を拡大することを前提としている。




Lotta Comunista

Lotta Comunista: to the 61° International Anti-War Assembly, Japan:
Internationalists greetings to the 61st International Anti-War Assembly!

For more than a year the imperialist war in Ukraine has been massacring the Ukrainian workers and their Russian working brothers sent to both fronts in a senseless and reactionary slaughter. All our internationalist solidarity must go to the Ukrainian workers and the Russian workers. In Russia and Ukraine workers are forced to conscript and are driven by the nationalist ideologies of big Russian chauvinism and small Ukrainian defensivism to shoot each other, and they are arrested if they refuse to fight or even if they call this "war" by its name. Here in Europe, these things are well known. The Ukrainian military arrests the deserters and so do the Russian invasion forces. And then there are the so-called “incidents,” when both Russian and Ukrainian soldiers hit their officers. These are well known things. By now, thousands of Russian and Ukrainian workers who have fled, with their families and children, find refuge in our cities. They are welcome! We know, comrades, all the wars of our age are against the workers. No war is justified from the point of view of our international working class, except the war of the exploited classes against the exploiters.

For months, Russian workers and Ukrainian workers have been consuming themselves for a few kilometers of land and their lives have become a bargaining chip between the great powers. It is certainly not the Ukrainian oligarchs who defend the "fatherland": they sit comfortably in Kiev counting the money arriving from the Western allies, while "their" workers die at the front, armed by the powers to defend the democracy of the imperialists, and incited by the Ukrainian state to defend the right to return tomorrow to be exploited by "their" Ukrainian slavers, and by European ones, and not already by Russian slavers. But what a system is this that slaughters workers in the name of national defense only to decide which of the slaveholders - the big Russian imperialist slaveholder or the petty powers-backed Ukrainian slaveholder - will exploit them tomorrow!

Communists consider any war an act of barbarism, but they recognize the legitimacy of civil wars of the oppressed against their oppressors, to arrive at a classless society liberated from war. Even the Italian Resistance during the Second World War, a well-known experience in Japan, must be an example.

First of all, there was not only the Italian Resistance, but there was a resistance movement in all European countries. The workers' Resistance against Nazism in Germany, for example, must be known. In Italy, the founders of Lotta Comunista - then young workers without the Leninist party - participated in the Resistance against the Italian fascist state and against the Nazi military forces. There was no other choice, faced with the raids in the factories, than to give oneself over to illegality. Without proletarian revolution, and given the counter-revolutionary role of Stalinism in the Resistance, that experience of that workers' struggle was overshadowed by the international imperialist war. The Resistance - Arrigo Cervetto would write - was "prisoner of Yalta" and it did not go beyond the division of old Europe between the victorious imperialisms, American, English and Russian. The young generation of worker partisans who would found Lotta Comunista after the war emerged from that experience with a clear warning, passed on to subsequent generations in the party heritage: "never again an instrument in the hands of others"! Japanese comrades, this was the main lesson of the Resistance!

The problem of the military struggle against the occupier was certainly not posed in narrow terms. Cervetto will write it, in controversy with Bordiga: «/Taken in isolation, i.e. "abstractly", the Italian situation, only a doctrinaire out of touch with reality can answer that the workers should not have allied themselves with all those forces fighting against Nazi-fascism. In the struggle there are reasons of life and death that determine alliances. But perhaps the policy of "national unity" ... was not the result of the alliance between the United States, England and the USSR? And then, given this policy as a means, what was the purpose? Was it perhaps, as the revolutionary tactic would have advised, to arm, strengthen, develop the proletarian movement in the struggle in order to then throw overboard those old social forces with a violent jolt that ushered in a new order? The facts have shown the opposite, they have shown that the "means" only served the "purpose" of conserving, preserving and restoring the capitalist structure and state, to bring the old ruling class afloat/". Here is a lesson from the famous Italian Resistance. Today among uncritical supporters of the so-called Ukrainian resistance not a word is said about this important lesson. And that doesn't make us think?

Comrades, let us fearlessly denounce Russian imperialist aggression together! And let us together denounce the defense of the reactionary Ukrainian homeland, the national unity seized by the powers against the workers. The workers have no country! The workers must not defend the borders of nations, but only their own class. All our solidarity goes to the Ukrainian workers attacked by the Russian, European and American imperialists and by Ukrainian nationalism. In proxy wars between powers, the proletarians are the assaulted and world imperialism is the real aggressor. Anyone who doesn't understand this is a reactionary who still defends "the territories" as in the Middle Ages. Our “purpose”, on the other hand, is revolution and certainly not resistance. But we know this well, both in Europe and in Asia.

In fact, while in Europe the Ukrainian national question is seized by the powers, also in Asia the imperialist marauders are preparing to seize the Taiwan question. The next few years will be decisive for the Japanese and European revolutionaries. There are those who will see China as a country attacked by the imperialist powers, American and Japanese, with the “right” to defend itself; and there are those who will think that the people of Taiwan have the “right” to self-determination after all. Both sophisms will be easily grasped by powers old and new. Comrades, it is our task to guide the workers on these thorny issues and to bring about the necessary clarity. The workers have no country!

We appeal to the Japanese proletariat: it is time to oppose the rearmament of Japanese imperialism and its aggressive warfare in Asia, against Japanese nationalism, against Japanese "defence of the fatherland"; for the unity of the Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese proletarians against their own governments. Down with the unity of the Japanese people with the Japan Self-Defense Forces and long live the struggle of the Japanese proletariat against its national bourgeoisie! Comrades, in the war of aggression of Japanese imperialism in Asia, every Japanese communist will wish for the defeat of his country in order to overthrow its bourgeois regime.

Asian raiders rearm to the teeth. Chinese imperialism launches its aircraft carriers and patrols the Straits while projecting its influence and its capital towards the Persian Gulf, along the new Silk Roads. The old Japanese imperialism and the young Indian power rethink the importance of oil supplies in the outbreak of the Second World War in Asia. South Korea is also mirrored in the Japanese political debate and thinks of nuclear weapons. If the bourgeois are thinking of war, the proletarians must think of revolution and certainly not stop himself at resistance. We have a vast world to conquer and only our shackles to lose. Let's break the hesitations!

Where there is a working class, inevitably there is class struggle. The strike is a "natural" phenomenon of capitalism. This is demonstrated by the strikes in the old powers, often less extensive, intensive and generalized defensive strikes than in recent decades, but also unequivocal signs that class energies exist and must be organised. This is demonstrated by the vindicatory strikes in the new powers, which no government and no more or less perfect form of imperialist democracy can prevent, not even China. Japanese comrades, you have first-hand information on the situation of class struggles in China. There is an extensive Leninist literature on strike statistics. In China, as in France, Great Britain and Japan, the vanguard party must analyze and quantify the strikes and accustom the working class to measure their energies with scientific realism.

The working class now deeply embraces all continents and crosses all borders. Salaried workers are the majority of the world's active population. The word "people" is losing more and more meaning every day in the vocabulary of revolutionary Marxists. In the era of the reactionary bourgeoisie, in the imperialist phase, "the workers have no country"! Comrades, let's shred the old national issues, now more useful for the imperialists to divide us than for us to fight them! Let us answer together the questions of our century: Where is it written that the internationalists of the third millennium still have to defend the "rights" of nations? It's senseless. Every year 40, perhaps 50 million peasants leave the countryside to become urban proletarians and, among these, 4 or 5 million cross national borders becoming political and economic refugees, immigrants in other countries, low-wage workers. The imperialist bourgeoisies of America, Europe and Japan, and increasingly also of China, compete in two ways for these new energies thrown into the labor market by the extensive development of capitalism: 1) by importing cheap immigrant labor into the metropolises, and 2) by exporting capital to developing and emerging countries. Both of these well-tried systems presuppose an enlargement of the basis of capitalist exploitation.

China has already started exporting capital to emerging markets, but it can still exploit a quota of internal migrants due to the continental dimension of its state, yet it is still not long before the demographic winter typical of imperialist societies, and perhaps aggravated by the one-child policy, will finally force Beijing too to import a young workforce from Asia and Africa, as is already the case in its southern regions. In China, there are large concentrations of private and state capital, financial concentrations of banking and industrial capital that export significant amounts of capital to divide the world market once dominated by the old powers. China is a new imperialist power contending for the world by economic, political and military means. It is this imperialist upheaval that has thrown the world order into crisis and called together, on 15 and 16 July, the meeting of the internationalist forces in Milan in which you too, JRCL-RMF, participated in written form. The Milan International Bulletin will soon be sent to all Japanese comrades.

Immigration has become a social hallmark of imperialism. The industrial and welfare systems of the old powers need immigrants to stay afloat, but the imperialist governments must subject the newcomers to the new slavery for starvation wages and, at the same time, they must reassure their elderly voters, made greedy by property and impoverished by the opulent social mores of the metropolis, with campaigns of "law and order", racism and religious prejudices. The civilized countries of Europe decree hundreds of thousands of entries every year, counting on at least as many entries through illegal routes, and in the meantime they pay their African bourgeois cronies to "control" the migratory flows with batons, dogs and barbed wires, letting women and children drown in the Mediterranean or pushing them back into the desert to die of thirst. And so also Japan, one of the most closed imperialisms in the world, has to import workforce from Vietnam and Asia. The parliamentary parties of the right and left "want immigrants" to care for the elderly, clean the cities and pick tomatoes, but "they don't want immigration" to rest assured and continue to dream undisturbed of a world of holidays and individual rights. The old powers want to select immigrants. Here is the imperialist policy of the European Union against our immigrant brothers.

Comrade Japanese internationalists, let us unite in the fight against all racisms and against all national prejudices. The workers have no country!

Long live proletarian internationalism! Down with narrow-minded and petty nationalism!